Corner Of Castle Street

A Memory of Mansfield Woodhouse.

I don't know if my memory is serving me right, but I seem to remember a shop on the corner of castle street serving lemonade and other cold drinks in a glass in the early 1950s can't remember the price a penny maybe, the shop was on the way home from the Tivoli pictures.
Brian Sales late Leeming lane south.

Added 14 September 2015


Comments & Feedback

No, your memory is not failing you. I remember that corner shop and being able to buy "pop" by the glass. A old penny seems about right. Dandelion & burdock was my favorite. Very refreshing on a warm summer's day. Would it have been all that cold though? My recollection is that it was a very simple kind of shop. Ice in drinks was unheard of then and I wonder if they even had refrigeration. My memory is that it wasn't open or at least didn't have that service during winter. Even for those times, how did the place make any money? Like the shop between the post office and Swan Lane that very occasionally opened and sold homemade custard ice cream. Delicious but what kind of business was it that could only operate now and then?

Clive Mansbridge (formerly of Lawrence Ave)

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