Queen Vic North Cheam

A Memory of North Cheam.

Surfing the net I came across this photo of the Queen Vic and the memories came flooding back. I lived in Morden and every Sunday evening I along with friends went to the Jazz club there. Mostly the music was provided by Mike Daniels but also Chris Barber played there. The club room was crowded with both us young revivalists jiving around and sitting in the front were some old timers who had seen trad jazz first time around. I remember the club was run by a couple who had, I think, a pub/hotel at Berrylands (Berrylands Hotel ) and I remember our crowd going over for a drink on more than one occasion. I met my wife at the Cheam Village Hall dance and took her on many occasions to the Jazz Club. I am 70 now and I doubt if the Jazz Club is still running at the Queen Vic which I believe was demolished and replaced by a not as good looking establishment. I would love to hear from anyone else who frequented the club in the early 60's, try chrisandgordon@hotmail.com. - love to hear from you.
Gordon Afflick

Added 11 February 2008


Comments & Feedback

I also went to the Sunday evening Jazz Club (much to my parents disgust!) about 1957 to 1962 - The people I remember are Geoff Harris, David Hilliker, Tony Holland - One of the tunes I remember the Band playing was 'the sun has got its hat on' Happy days - still love jazz and belong to the local Guildford Jazz Club (U3A) which has ;'live' band performances - Margaret Holland (nee Harris)
The Jazz Club at the Queen Vic is a special memory for me and I attended regularly in the mid-late 1950s. I preferred modern jazz and remember sax players Tubby Hayes and Don Rendell. Did drummers Tony Kinsey and Tony Crombie play there, or did I see them at the Wimbledon Palais where the Ted Heath Orchestra with singers Lita Rosa and Dickie Valentine often appeared? I do recall seeing Johnny Dankworth and his fabulous wife Cleo Laine at Wimbledon - not sure if they played the Queen Vic. Does anyone remember? I live in New Zealand now and belong to the Wellington Jazz Club. David Barber , barber.david01@gmail.com
Isn't the internet a wonderful thing! Who knew others would share the wonderful, happiest memories of my teen years in the mid-late 50's, while I was living in Wallington. I was one of the revivalists jiving my heart out and occasionally sitting to watch. I seem to remember one band member, double base I think, (Mike Daniels and his Deltamen, btw) who always wore heavy outdoor gear whatever the weather. Around 20 or so years ago a mutual friend mentioned Mike Daniels, saying he was playng at some dance night in Farnborough (NW Kent, not Hampshire) and we went along. Mike had returned from Spain and it was great to hear him again. It was somewhat distrurbing to watch a large room full of people with grey hair jiving as if the intervening 40 or so years had never happened. Never did take to modern jazz, but I was well into skiffle at the the same time with a group calling themselves the Mosaics because the string bass was painted with black and white squares. We were rubbish, of course, but did appear on the Carol Levis talent show at the Hammersmith Palace, to be introduced as the Mosiacs, probably because he was Canadian. We came last but it was still good fun.

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