Northfleet, Rosherville Church 1902
Photo ref: 49049
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A Selection of Memories from Northfleet

For many years now, we've been inviting visitors to our website to add their own memories to share their experiences of life as it was, prompted by the photographs in our archive. Here are some from Northfleet

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I went to Springhead school in the 70's and have wonderful memories of my time there but can seen to find almost no mention of it's existence at all. John Field was the headmaster in my time but was later succeeded by George Dockerell. We had a very strong sailing club within the school and had strong ties with Medway Cruising Club.
we lived in northfleet high street my father owned fleet autos (car sale) and his father before him Also owned the green grocers on the corner of rose street and fronting on to high street, opposite There was knolls the bakers and Barclays Bank, lincon the chemist and Mrs ware my dads family also has a greengrocers in Dover road , if any one has any old photos as we would love to see them our family name was Ripley.
My friend Molly and I got together during late 2013 and over lunch in The Three Daws we mulled over those long ago days growing up in Northfleet. The Chalk Pits were our favourite playground and although of course we were generally forbidden to go anywhere near them, they were like a second home! The pits still seem to be there and have not changed substantially. Does anyone else remember that particular playground I wonder?
My grandfather, Thomas Richard Brown, was born in Northfleet in 1871.  In the 1911 census he was living at Mill Cottages, South Darenth near Horten Kirby.  He had a wife, Emma Brown, nee Nalson, and 4 children, Thomas, Richard, Enily (Emily?) Eliza, Arthur Charles and Annie Victoria.  I knew Arthur and Annie was my mum but not the other 2.  Arthur married a lady named Florrie and moved to Dartford, Mum married Len ...see more