Ormskirk, Moor Street c.1955
Photo ref: O22036X
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A Selection of Memories from Ormskirk

For many years now, we've been inviting visitors to our website to add their own memories to share their experiences of life as it was, prompted by the photographs in our archive. Here are some from Ormskirk

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Hi, My name is Tony Johnson. I went to the C of E school in the 1950s. ! lived in Thompson Avenue, my dad drove Ribble buses, before he moved to working for Suttons of St Helens- on long distance lorries. Two more names for you. Mr Tinsley, who taught us football and cricket, and my class teacher, Mrs Ellis, if I remember right, who was a wonderful inspirational teacher. We learnt even at a young age about ancient ...see more
Hi I went to st.bedes 1966/1970 headmaster mr.collinge Best teacher sid sheen geography!! Anyone remember him? I was dawn Boden friends helen mcabe , Margaret atherton. Remember Ada but not surname. Also Joe Boyle English Mick Read maths
It was Nunnerley, not Nummerley, tut
I lived just around the corner in County Road and was About 2 hundred yards away when the bomb dropped.I would take issue with the writer Mona Duggan in her excellent book in the Francis Frith history of Ormskirk when she says that only one bomb landed on Ormskirk and that there were no deaths. This bomb fell beside a tree in the pavement and shrapnel or debris killed a man sitting in his front room ...see more