Cawdor St

A Memory of Patricroft.

I was born in Station Road, just round the corner from Cawdor St so I was familier with the shops. Kenyon's I knew quite well as I was at school with their son Roy. I was familiar with all the shops in the street especially Bob Horton, as I was sent there by my mother because he was fairly cheap. One day I went there while I had a cold. Not being able to wipe my nose I started to sniff. Twice he told me to stop sniffing, but I couldn't. The third time he clouted me round the head. I'm happy to say I didn't go there again. I also remember the 'Yanks' coming to the Barton Inn, because while they were inside we would climb into the back of the lorries looking for anything that might have been lerft behind. Cigarettes, gum, bits of K rations,and some time a badge or two. In the holidays we would go down Enfield St climb through the railings and go swimming in the cut, until one of the local lads fell in and was drowned. Later on in life while in the Merchant Navy I married and moved down south to Tunbridge Wells in Kent. I come up occasionally to visit my sister and brother. I walk round to Cawdor St and places and look for what changes I find. Hoping that this little memory will be of use. Regards Frank Robinson

Added 28 February 2013


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