Life And Times Of Dr Alec Mc Harg: Penge Secondary Modern Boys School

A Memory of Penge.

I am Dr Alec McHarg, I attended Penge Secondary Moden School in the mid 50's-60s. My memory of my school, my fellow school friends and teachers was happy, encouraging and challenging. I live in Australia and visit the UK and Europe on a regular basis. I would like to contact some of my old school friends; Malcolm Locke, Richard Thomas, Keith Jordan, John Warwick, et al...

I speak and write on European and Global urban issues...

With kindest regards
Dr Alec McHarg

(614) 111 83745

Added 23 July 2013


Comments & Feedback

Some of us in UK still stand upright

When Dr McArg refers to Penge Secondary Modern was this Oakfield Rd or Melvin Grove?

I never see mention of Jonny Proud or Arry Paviour on these sites.

Members of our family including myself attended classes at both sites from April 1945 through to about 1959 when I left Penge Grammar as was.

I am currently an acknowledged writer on local history a mile or three away from Anerley.

Hello, Alec.

You may not know me, I'm not sure. I remember that you lived in Southey Street and your Sisters, Melanie, and Margaret were friends of my Sister, Kay Godly. I think they all went to Sunday School together. We lived around the corner from you in Wordsworth Road. I also remember that you went to Penge Secondary School during the late 50s too, and you were in a Form one or two Years below mine. Were you in that Form with Eddie Hunt, Chris Keeley and Jimmy Holden in room 8? I also remember that you lived in a house opposite Mr and Mrs Nicholson's Shop. It was a boy in my Class, Paul Slim, who had known you before you arrived in Penge, so you may have gone to James Dixon School or you had lived near him in Anerley Park , perhaps both. Paul had said you were a keen swimmer and how you could swim two miles. Incidentally, Alec, Paul was living in Torr Road one time not too long ago too, if you would like to contact Him, but I don't know the number though. I don't know where you're living now or whether you're back at Penge or near there. If you could though, I would think that Paul Slim would like you to turn up at Torr Road, and it is a very short road too. Somebody will know Him, so If you do see Paul say Tony Godly says, ''hello'' too. I wasn't all that Friendly with Him and I haven't been around Penge much since the mid-60s anyway. I was in The Army abroad for a long spell so I have seen hardly anybody that I once knew. Well, there you are, good luck too.
Hello Bob.

I have just read your article referring to Alec McArg's one. I'm not sure if I will know you, but I am from Penge too so I may do. So which ''Bob'' are you pal, Dellaway, Poulton, Bradford or Hindson perhaps? If you left School in 1959, then I may not know you though and you wont be one of those last three surnames either because they all left Oakfield Road School the same year as I did, 1960. What was all that ''still standing upright'' remark all about, then, was it a private joke to do with Alec? Incidentally, that Road where the Girls' Secondary School was is Melvin Road, not Melvin Grove. There are no ''Groves'' going up on the left side of Maple Road, all the Groves were on the right. Actually, there are only three of those left too, Laurel Grove was re-named Blean Grove, and both Heath Grove and Clifford Grove have gone. So whereabouts in our good 'ol Town are you from Bob, Would I know You? My Name is Tony Godly, late of Wordsworth Road, and I had two Cousins at Oakfield Road School, Brian and Peter Godly. That was during the early 50s, and later on I was at that School from 1956 to 1960 too. Did you ever drink in all the pubs in Penge,, or better still try to do it in one go? I did - try to, that is - from all those in Hawthorn Grove and upper Maple Road and then down to Woodbine Grove and three up that road before I had to stop. Oh well, I tried, happy days, eh? I understand that not too many of those are still going, I know the ''London Tavern'' and ''The Alec'' are gone. I would like to meet up with you Bob perhaps if you would like to. We'll see shall we? Whatever you want to do, I don't live around that Manor anymore, but I do visit my Sister and a mate at Beckenham from time to time. It would be great to meet up with somebody from Penge again, I have lost touch with most of those I knew, I think one or two will have passed on too. Well, don't know you, Pal, but I enjoyed writing to you and I'm glad to know you, Best wishes, Tony
I (David John Toop) was at the Penge Secondary Modern School until 1958. I recall the Head being a Mr I D Trevor-Jones and the Sports teacher being a Mr Ferris. Fellow boys in my class were Christopher Tipper and a Kenneth Spottiswoode.
This thread is rather old but I do hope that someone who has contributed to it in the past spots this and can reply. My father, Mr I D Trevor-Jones was the headmaster referred to by David John Toop. Sid Ferris was one of his life-long best friends and was my godfather. Both sadly long passed - my father died aged 89 exactly 17 years ago today. Work took me to Anerley a week or two ago and I took the opportunity to have a wander around the area. I knew that the school had been demolished but thought I might be able to find the site. I couldn't. Can anyone help me by describing where it was - street name and rough location would do! I remember that the railway ran past the playground and can recall watching the trains from Dad's office and from the playground when he took me in with him during school holidays - I would have been around 5-6yrs old. Dad was asked by London County Council to move to Basingstoke to open one of the new London overspill secondary schools then under construction in the town (it was to be Richard Aldworth School) and we moved down from Bromley in 1963. Any info on his old school in Penge most welcome!
David Trevor-Jones
Just seen these comments on Penge area! I have a small newspaper article pertaining to my grandmother’s 21st birthday! Her father, my great grandfather run The Alexandra pub in Penge in the early 1900’s. I will try attach the cutting on here for you all to see! Sadly don’t have the full article but if you glance around it, it mentions The London Tavern and Melvin Road School! Would love to here from anyone with stories of the pub etc thank you
Louise from Kent :)
Does anyone know how to attach a photo here please? Thanks

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