Living In Penge From 1950

A Memory of Penge.

I lived with my mum and dad Frank and Gladys Shadbolt (nee Roots) in Woodbine Grove, surrounded by family, grandparents, Bob and Mary Roots also from Woodbine and my Nanny Shadbolt who lived in Hawthorne Grove. I went back recently and wish I hadn't, I will stick to the great memories I have growing up there. We moved to 80 Queen Adelaide Court when the council slapped a compulsory purchase on our house but I have good memories of QAC. Does anyone remember helping with the washing in the big communal laundry, the big old mangle was twice as big as me!! I loved the market down Maple Road, everyone knew each other. Memories of stopping at the bike shop in Maple Road on the way home from school to have a cream soda float!!!! When I was in my teens I got a Saturday job in the hairdressers opposite Woolworths in the High Street, can anyone remember the name?? My memory isn't what it was. I am so happy to have found this site and tomorrow I'm going to share it with Mum who is 86 now.

Added 16 June 2013


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I have read an observation about one of my articles I had written about Penge. I forget the name of the person who had written, but I remember that he may have lived in Raleigh road and that his mother knew a Mrs Nell Godly - my Auntie - who had also lived the same road. I had put this person right about a few mistakes he had made about the Names and locations of some shops. I wrote quite a long and informative article to this person and the article was quite sensible too. I emphasise the ''sensible'' part because the person that wrote emphasised Himself in His article that He would only like to hear from people that only wrote ''sensible'' things. I feel that in my reply to Him that I did indeed do that AND took a long time to do it. I had also been under the impression that the person was going to offer some kind of reply too. I don't consider it very polite for a person to state that they will expect only ''sensible'' replies and then completely ignore a reply when they do receive one. I would suggest to that person they might pardon me if I appear old fashioned by expecting one. But then basic good manners appears to be old fashioned these days. It was you whom wished for people to write only ''sensible things'' in letters, which I did and very well too if I may say so. It is you whom didn't know the names and the whereabouts of certain shops as compared to now where you do. I also considered that ''sensible'' part somewhat arrogant at the time too, particularly as you probably had no intention of replying to me anyway. I would also ask that people do not correspond with me at all, rather than show arrogance in expecting me to reply to them, only for them to ignore me when I do. To cut a long story short what actually was your reason for writing in the first place anyway, was it just a ploy to find out things you didn't know? Just a reply to say, ''thank you for your reply'', and nothing else would have been something you know.That's the trouble with me I suppose, too polite. But then that is better than impolite though, which appears to be normal with one or two from Penge I have communicated with.

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