Bates Hill Methodist Church

A Memory of Redditch.

This was the year that I was christained there. My grand parents and great grand parents attended the chapel. As a child I also went to Sunday school there. It was a beautiful church and should have been given a heritage listing, what a shameful waste when it was burnt down, probably arson. All the nice buildings have been pulled down and the town of Redditch has been destroyed completely by the 1960,s Planners and so called Architescts. Not a very nice place anymore and I am glad that I no longer live there. When aretheyever going tp stop building? They have not stopped since itbecame a so called newtown in the 60's.

Added 28 October 2007


Comments & Feedback

Hello Glenys,
I hope you are keeping well!
I am searching for information and burial details with regards to Dorothy Terry from Headless Cross.
I have found that her father, Mr A. Victor Terry was a preacher with the Methodist circuit and had his funeral service conducted by Rev. L.E. Hickin at Bates Hill Methodist Church Redditch and he was cremated at Lodge Hill crematorium.
If you have any information with regards to his daughter I would appreciate any details you have.
Thank you and regards,
Lisa Martin.

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