Rochester, Boys 1894
Photo ref: 34027XX
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A Selection of Memories from Rochester

For many years now, we've been inviting visitors to our website to add their own memories to share their experiences of life as it was, prompted by the photographs in our archive. Here are some from Rochester

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I remember going to school, at Gad's Hill Place (Dickens House). It was for girls only and the class was ten of us, not like now! In the gardens they grew veg and fruit, the school had their own gardener who as I remember was quite grumpy - but no wonder with all us girlies!
My family moved to Rochester during the war ( a naval family). We lived in Union Street until it was demolished for the new police station. We had a small gang, four strong and we roamed far and wide during the long summer holidays...mostly up to mischief! The area was mostly in its war time state, anti tank blocks etc.. had been moved to most road sides or removed. I remember the water tanks and ...see more
This is Jackson's Field - I lived in one of the houses opposite the rectangle in the background. This was an old WWII water tank and was still lined with metal and we'd play in it as kids. Chipperfields Circus used to pitch just out of shot to the left and I watched the elephants being exercised on Jackson's c.62! Happy days
Can anyone please shed any light on what was (or is) an old fort or folly in woodland behind the Lawn Tennis club off Maidstone Road? I have a photo but I'm not sure it would come out well scanned. I remember as a kid we walked slightly off the walking track and scrambled down a slope into copse where there was this tower and a walk way. It's been driving me nuts since I couldn't find it when I visited a couple of years ago. Any help would be great.