The Territorial Army Centre In Rusholme, Manchester

A Memory of Rusholme.

A new Army unit was formed in 1967 and took over the depot in Norman Road, Rusholme. This became 33 Signal Regiment which was part of the new TAVR. I had been wondering about joining the TA for several years in both London and Manchester where I was working at the time. And by a lucky fluke I had visited the Army Careers Informatiuon Office in the centre of Manchester to find out more. The Colour Sergeant (SSgt Pugh, I recall) behind the desk was a Royal Signals NCO and clearly on the look out for any likely lads! He asked me if I had passed any school exams and registered astonishment when he found I had some 'O Levels'. By the time he found out these included three foreign langauages and A Levels as well he had decided I was a dead cert for his new Signal Regiment. And so it was, that just a few days later I turned up at the Drill Hall in Norman Road. I found myself a first job as a driver as I already had full civilian car and motorbike licences. I was given a military driving permit and following a couple of weekends of basic training in Manchester and Liverpool, I was on my way to the BAOR at Geilenkirchen. My job was to drive a Land Rover and trailer from Manchester to Hull Docks and then take it on the ferry to Rotterdam and drive to Germany. Great excitement for this 22 year old. I got to use my German language when on guard duty at the base in Germany, but I have to say that when I returned to Rusholme I was not once asked for my languages! Somewhere I have a few black and white snaps of the other young lads I joined up with. I recall 'borrowing' a Land Rover to take all my kit back to my digs in Demesne Road, just off Alexandra Park about two miles away. This was a lot easier than carrying it!

Added 23 July 2012


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