Charles E Gardner Chas The Woodturner Of Stockton

A Memory of Stockton.

I remember my great grandfather so well, I feel I could pen a book in relation to his life. He holds so many memories to me that are so very precious and times I wish I could have back again, what a wonderful gent he was.
Many, many years ago before my birth, he bought a piece of land in Stockton from a certain Lord in the locality. And subsequently decided to build two bungalows, one for himself and his wife Hilda May and one for his daughter Brenda and his to be son in law Alfred John Fitchett, which they began building in 1959.
Chas, as he was known, used to work for Nelson Cement Works up Calley as it used to be known. Until I believe he suffered an injury or back problems. So he decided to build himself a Lathe from an old car gearbox and odds n sods, and began to make egg cups,working miniature mills, roundabouts etc. He used to show all his wood at the National Agricultural (Royal) Show at Stoneleigh where he would have a stand with his wife, Hilda. He met most of the Royal family throughout his life and many Japanese and foreign people would visit him at his beautiful home, with floral gardens and view for miles over the Warwickshire countryside.
He later went on to purchase, I believe, 5 original horse drawn gypsy caravans, which he later showed in his gardens after many hours of restoration and his wife would paint in the correct colours. He also made a film/documentary for the BBC entitled:" The Man of the Trees". His wife Hilda May, formerly a Kenning, had a tree planted in his memory at the bottom of Stockton Hill on the left, with a plaque deidicated to him. They are both reunited together at Stockton cemetery..

Added 16 February 2010


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