Nostalgic memories of Thaxted's local history

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For many years now, we've been inviting visitors to our web site to add their own memories to share their experiences of life as it was when the photographs in our archive were taken. From brief one-liners explaining a little bit more about the image depicted, to great, in-depth accounts of a childhood when things were rather different than today (and everything inbetween!). We've had many contributors recognising themselves or loved ones in our photographs.

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Displaying all 7 Memories

My great grandmother lived at 14 Newbiggen Street, just on the righthand side of this photo. A couple of the stories I know about the place are: The doctor would come from Saffron Walden to see the Thaxted people and then send the prescriptions over on the bus. My great grandmother would then have people sit in her front parlour and wait and she would take the precription delivery and administer itmto the ...see more
I am currently trying to research into the history of our home. It is now called 'The Borough' and is located at the bottom of the hill on Bolford Street towards Cutler's Green, opposite the pumping station. It was split up in the early 1900's into 4 cottages and separate farm buildings and was reunited again by the infamous Geoffrey Allen in the early 1960's. I was ...see more
I was only six years old when I was taken to Thaxted by my father, in 1941. We moved from Start Hill near Bishop's Stortford, reasons were the war and the Yanks which we will not enter into. The first thing that struck me and still lingers in my memories was the church and its very pointed and high steeple. When we arrived by bus we turned right at the school up the hill to Bardfield End Green to my ...see more
We came to live in Thaxted in about 1950, and though we lived in one of  the Borough Cottages, Bolford Street, which then were in a bad state, for me,  fresh out of an institution ( I was only eight), it was the most wonderful place - and I still feel that way about it. I had my own bedroom, and though all it held was a brass-knobbed bedstead and a wash bowl, it was MINE and I could see the beauty of the ...see more
In 1969, my father, a MSGT in the USAF, was stationed at RAF Wethersfield. While waiting for base housing, we rented a beautifully situated place named Barn Cottage, a 600-year-old converted stable. Our landlord, Mr. Ainsworth, lived above us with his charming family in Prior's Hall. The place commanded a magnificent view of the valley and town, and we watched the farmers bring in their crops and burn the ...see more
Thaxted is where my mum was born in 1907.
My memories of Thaxted are very dear to me.  My parents, unfortunately now deceased, were Queenie and Denzil Roberts.  Denzil was a Pharmacist and purchased the property known as the Chemist Shop and refurbished the property so we could all live above the shop.  We lived in Thaxted for a few years and made many friends. I was able to participate in many of the May Day festivities and was an avid fan of the Morris ...see more