Timperley, Cars And Post Office, Stockport Road 1951
Photo ref: T143011X
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A Selection of Memories from Timperley

For many years now, we've been inviting visitors to our website to add their own memories to share their experiences of life as it was, prompted by the photographs in our archive. Here are some from Timperley

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Combined Police Station and Library on the right behind the hedges - and at the bend on the right lived, in the early 50s, one of the first great computer experts with Manchester University, who died young, I later discovered. He tended to get home early after a day's work (most of the neighbours got home between 5.30 and 6) - I remember watching, with his son, who was a friend, a good deal of the Third ...see more
I'm not absolutely sure the garden was as spick and span as this at the turn of the sixties, but it wasn't that long before it became this way. It had been a ruin until the early fifties when a brutalist electricity sub station wth a sort of covered verandah in front went up, and an official path cut off the corner pavement, so we didnt have to take a short cut over the wall to get into the then ...see more
i am looking for information on staff who worked at the co op store and butchers on manchester road west timperley from 1980 to 1990 , i can remember George the butcher and have been told his last name was webb, i am hopeing for more information any help please
I lived in Timperley from the age of seven in 1953 till the age of fifteen in 1961. Our family lived on Heyes Lane opposite the Congregational church and next to an empty lot I remember the incredible bonfires we had on Nov 5th as the empty lot provided us with lots of room to build the biggest bonfire possible. I walked to Timperley C.O.E.primary school every day with my friends Geoff Davies and Raymond ...see more