Ellenborough Road N19

A Memory of Upper Holloway.

I was born in 7 Ellenborough road my dad was Jim Perry my mum was Elsie Perry nee Spencer, we were and still are a very large family consisting of nine children.
My dad was a real character who did anything from totting to demolition to support us.
Nothing my dad did ever surprised us from bringing home a double decker bus to walking a pony through to our backyard
A lot of the residents in the road were related to each other, my cousin's the O'Sheas lived opposite as did my nan Spencer.
We lived opposite the McDonald's, the Catchpoles also lived nearby the Stones also lived in this road.
Does anyone remember Spears sweet shop on the bridge and the pie and mash shop in Hornsey Road, Fislers the bakers the swimmingng baths, North London Stores.
Would appreciate a copy of any photos that anyone has

Added 30 May 2017


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