Nostalgic memories of Warnham Court School's local history

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Displaying Memories 61 - 70 of 79 in total

I too remember Ends Place from the early 1970s. The old Dear (how rude) as you put it was Mrs Gregson who did not suffer fools gladly but only ever showed me kindness and charm. I would visit her each Friday lunchtime for a chat and to pass the time of day. I would walk through this amazing house in my stocking feet so as not to mark the highly polished floors. Mrs G would usually be sitting in front of a ...see more
I remember being sent to Warnham Court in Horsham as a young child. I lived in London at the time and I really don't know why I was sent there. I have had conflicting information that I may have been sick and was sent to the country for the fresh air or perhaps I was just unruly.  I have found out that Warnham Court was run by the then Greater London Council and I have very fond memories of the place. I ...see more
My husband and I came to Sussex in April 2005 tracing my Caryll/Caryl ancestry. We took a bus from Brighton to Warnham, when we arrived in Warnham, I asked the driver where St. Margaret's Church was. He motioned up around the corner. When we got off the bus, the church bells were ringing. We walked up to the church and a vicar let us in. When he learned of my Caryl ancestry, he gave us a special tour of ...see more
My surname is Warnham and am very interested to see how this relates with the village of Warnham.  I wonder whether this is where my family originally resided all those years ago.  Would be interested to know about gravestones and names of any Warnhams to see whether this could be the case. Thanks if anyone can assist I would be grateful.
I can remember visiting Warnham when I was very young, with my parents and brother Ron. We stayed with great uncle John, who was blind. I believe his wife's name was May, but  I am not  sure. My brother kicked a football into the broad beans, and upset great uncle John. I was rather frightened when we had to sleep in a room with a picture of Captain Blood on the wall, and so my mum turned the ...see more
Hello to all, I was at Warnham Court in 1963 to 1970 (or thereabouts) My dormitory was Wran. I would very much like to make contact with anyone who may just be able to remember me. There are two names I can remember = Martin Chapman & Rosmary White. Headmaster was E G Savage. Teachers = Miss Jago. If by chance anyone can help I would be grateful. My email ...see more
I was at Warnham Court in 1962 to 1963. Also there at the time were Carol Crane and Barbara Barrett. Great times and fond memories of friends and staff.
My name is Steve Gill and I attended the Warnham Court School between 1962 and 1963 when I was 12 years old. I can remember the very long winter of 1963 and the amazing time everybody had sliding down the hill in front of the school on a large sheet of aluminum. Although I had many friends there I can only remember Peter South who came from Earlsfield and Robert Fryer who was a great footballer. I ...see more
Hi I'm Richard, I was at Warnham Court school between 1982-1984. Some people called me Ricky instead. It was a great place. So sad to hear it laid empty for years when the school closed down. It would be nice to hear from people that attended there. I remember the long drive up to the school, also the huge area called the deer park. Does anybody remember the old bike shed...or sick bay or ...see more
dear sandra , I have just been looking through my notes about the street family and the George you mention is my granny sarah ann's brother , and was my dads cousin.I can remember my dad talking about his cousin playing cricket and being as good as W C Grace!! a famous cricketer . William and Mary Street were my grans parents . I have managed to trace the Streets back to 1841 ,when a George Street was a ...see more