I Was An Evacuee From Hull

A Memory of West Heslerton.

My dad was evacuated from the City of Hull at the beginning of the Second World War to firstly the village of Wintringham where he stayed with a Miss Cholmley at Grange Garth with five other evacuees one of whom was his younger brother Alan, he stayed there until Miss Cholmey's untimely death which was very upsetting for him because he loved living with this wonderful lady!
He was then sent to the nearby village of West Heslerton and stayed with several other families there including a Mr & Mrs Wilcocks, Mr & Mrs Stephenson, and Mr & Mrs Milner. My dad made many friends in both villages and loved living in the countryside which was a new experience for a city lad from Hull who until being evacuated had never been outside of Hull let alone to the countyside ! My dad always speaks with great regard of the village people who looked after him and has a great fondness especially for Miss Cholmey who was like a mother to him!
He had a truly wonderful time as an evacuee there and has nothing but good memories and has many tales to tell mostly amusing , but some a little sad !
In his 80th year now he has written a book of his time spent in both villages as an evacuee which we hope to have published before the Autumn of this year 2011.

Perhaps if anyone is interested they might like to contact us for further details.

I took my dad back to both villages last week on a lovely sunny day for a look around and while we were there people came to chat to us , some remembered families and people that my dad had known in Wintringham and West Heslerton .We were even very kindly and without even asking shown inside the now Village Hall which was then the village school that my dad had attended while staying there!

I would like to say a Big thankyou to both villages and to all the wonderful people both then and now for giving my father such Happy memories !!!

Lynn beaumont

Added 18 May 2011


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