Bournemouth, The Pier 1897
Photo ref: 40559
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From the ever-green valley of the Bourne (whence arose the nucleus of this resort) Bournemouth stretches for miles in either direction upon the sandy cliffs and pine-clad table-land of a gently curving bay, broken by picturesque chines. Nothing can be more snug and luxuriant than the mouth of the valley, which is here being turned into a long strip of garden, blooming with arbutus, rhododendrons and other choice shrubs.

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This selection of vintage photographs shows some of our finest piers in their heyday, recalling their glory days when seaside piers were at the heart of the traditional British family holiday.

A Selection of Memories from Bournemouth

For many years now, we've been inviting visitors to our website to add their own memories to share their experiences of life as it was, prompted by the photographs in our archive. Here are some from Bournemouth

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we moved to Montgomery ave in 1949 I remember when long rd estate was being built, we used to follow the Barber Green machine around because of the brilliant finiish of the tarmac roads.they were ideal for our roller skates. anyway to cut a long story short we were skating down hill and all the lads crouched down (I presumed for more speed) I crouched down and my cycling cape went under the skate wheels ...see more
I remember staying at The House Beautiful in the 1950’s and to me it was not a good experience and has left its mark on me all my life. I was sent there on two occasions by Social Services as my mother was recovering from an operation and no one in the family would look after me. One occasion was over Christmas when I was joined by my brother. we were given lots of presents even taken to a local family ...see more
This was my first school, back in 1965. I think we had maroon blazers. I did well to start with, my older brothers had taught me to read & write - but I was the last person in the class to be able to tie my own shoelaces! I remember winning a couple of 'Biggles' books for being top in the class in my first year. A teacher had found me reading one during a lunch break in the school library. Later ...see more
My first job was at the Royal Bath Hotel in 1956 where I learnt all aspects of Office Work for 2 and half years. Boss was called Mr Dagley, and there were 12 of us in the Office. I was a very nervous 16 year old having just left Parkstone Grammar School for girls, and my first job!!! The first day, I was assigned to help the wages clerk, and was asked to tot up the columns of figures - no problem, as I ...see more