Chirbury, The Village c.1950
Photo ref: C504009
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A Selection of Memories from Chirbury

For many years now, we've been inviting visitors to our website to add their own memories to share their experiences of life as it was, prompted by the photographs in our archive. Here are some from Chirbury

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Some time in the 1980s, my mother Dorothy visited her gt-aunt Rhoda Wood (b1901), who had lived in the same cottage, 15 Chirbury Road, Montgomery, all her life, one of 10 children of Charles (b1849) and Ellen Wood (b1859). I have a photo of the cottage. My mother recalls that Ellen was a laundress, but had to get all her water from the village pump. On the 1911 census, she is still working, with ...see more
My great grandmother, Mary Ann Shuker came to Manchester from Chirbury in service as a maid.  She married my great grandfather, Ernest Edward Chorlton and they must have returned to Chirbury to be married because the family bible states they married at Chirbury Church on 22nd December 1888.  I always thought she came from Wem - but this is quite a way away (for those days).  I would love to find out more about her - ...see more