Nostalgic memories of Morden's local history

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For many years now, we've been inviting visitors to our web site to add their own memories to share their experiences of life as it was when the photographs in our archive were taken. From brief one-liners explaining a little bit more about the image depicted, to great, in-depth accounts of a childhood when things were rather different than today (and everything inbetween!). We've had many contributors recognising themselves or loved ones in our photographs.

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Displaying Memories 51 - 60 of 64 in total

I went to Poplar Primary School, the headmaster was Mr How - a great man. I remember Caters supermarket on the corner and was especially fascinated by the fish department which often included a tray of live eels. I remember one escaping and slithering down the shop aisles, scattering screaming shoppers in its wake, before it was caught and brought back to the chopping board. I also remember Hawes furniture store, the big ...see more
I was an apprentice motor mechanic at Jarvis & Sons from 1957 until 1963, a most interesting time in my life. We had an unofficial motor bike club and did some lovely Sunday runs around the Surrey countryside. It wuld be nice to hear from anyone who was there at the same time as  myself, either from the fitters at the time or from any of the apprentices. A Mr Fullock was the Foreman, he was very ...see more
I lived with my grandparents in Central Road, number 57, from birth until I was 3 when we moved to Highworth for a few years. My grandparents lived in the house before the war. My brother and his wife and children still live in the same house, number 57. I had the fondest and happiest childhood memories in that house, my grandad had a shed at the bottom of the garden which used to be the old air raid shelter. It was an ...see more
I was born in Morden - christened and went to Sunday School, junior church and youth club at St Lawrence Church at the top of the hill by The George backing on to Morden Park with the bandstand. I remember the old Club House that sold icecreams from a window and the paddling pool by the Club House and the pitch and putt course and the stream at the bottom of the hill! We lived in a house opposite the flats at the end of the ...see more
I am trying to put together something special for a dear but frail old friend of mine and have been tracing the name of old employees of at his workplace Evan Cooks around 1952 - in particular at their garage which was 72 Queens Road, Peckham SE London.  One name eludes me, I understand he may have been the manager and was named 'Jack'.  I'm told he lived in Morden but cannot find his surname. If any of your readers ...see more
I went to school in Queens Road in 1949, it was called Hazelhurst, I was there until 1953 then when to Pitmans in Russell Road. I lived in SW20  as it was then and married in 1960 in Morden registry office, happy memories of Wimbledon. I now live in Three Bridges in Sussex.
I lived with my parents and sister at 13b Abbotsbury Road, which was a top floor flat owned by a Mr Carsberg, who ran a carpet shop. We both went to Poplar Road school and my sister went on to the Willows. I remember the Milk Bar in Abbotsbury Road, because we could look across the street from our flat.  I wonder who also remembers Hawes Furniture Store, Perrins Record Shop, Bata Shoe shop, along ...see more
I lived in Morden after my parents moved there after the war until 1961 first St Helier Ave then Easby Cres, where my 93 yr old parents still live, and went to Canterbury Primary then Willow High School from 1954,I used to attend the jazz club at the Crown as a young teen, worked for a while at Disc Records and watched the old Crown demolished, then in 1965 before emigrating at worked Hudson Brothers in the new office block ...see more
I lived near the Woodstock Public house between 1954 and 1965. Morden Park used to be a golf course before the second world war and the large house was the Club House, I used to go to the bandstand on a Sunday and once an American Air Force band played there. Musicals popular tunes and then in the second half, jazz. Everybody was dancing, a great Sunday out.
This photo brings back a lot memories. The photographer must be standing by the launderette in Abbotsbury Road, this was owned by my grandparents John 'Paddy' and Doreen 'Dorrie' Jones. I used to play on this street and in the alley way at the back with my sister Nicola and friends, Colin, Caroline and Jacquline. My sister and our mother moved from Morden to Sussex in 1959. We had lived in one of the flats in Abbotsbury Road.