South Benfleet, Post Office c.1955
Photo ref: S278002X
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A Selection of Memories from South Benfleet

For many years now, we've been inviting visitors to our website to add their own memories to share their experiences of life as it was, prompted by the photographs in our archive. Here are some from South Benfleet

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The photo of Station Hill reminds me of many happy days spent at my aunts house further down the hill ,she lodged in a lovely house with a balcony across the front owned by a couple Em and Bert who owned an enormous brown and white dog called Sport.I went to Benfleet from 1944 to the early sixties mostly for the summer holidays and freedom to wander were ever I wanted to.Trips by bus to ...see more
I was only young when my family left Macs cafe, I lived there with my mum Dorothy, father Arthur King, brother Adrian, and sister Delicia King. My half brothers are Brian, Ken, John Cripps, and sister Daphne Cripps. I have good memories of that old cafe, It stood on the main road a13 near the cross roads near the Tarpots pub, there was a garage next to the cafe. People I remember are David Newman, the big family ...see more
On the left of this photograph is The Hoy & Helmet pub at South Benfleet, which was originally built in the 15th century, with later extensions. The ‘hoy’ of the pub’s intriguing name was a broad, flat-bottomed sailing boat that was used to transport both cargo like farming produce and passengers along the coast and on the Thames; from this came the nautical cry of ‘Ahoy’, used to hail a ...see more
Does anyone have any information regarding the history of No 93 High Road, Benfleet - currently Nicky's Nails, previously Golden Travel - I would like to know what the property was used for prior to 1970 and its occupants.