Memory Lapse2

A Memory of Hayling Island.

I remember when I was transferred from the children's hospital in Birmingham to Bryn Bras Castle at the age of about 9 yrs - I was in the hospital for about a week before being driven by a Health Visitor dressed in a navy blue uniform and hat (I think the car was a Morris Minor). I had a soft-top small navy case which I kept for years afterwards. We arrived at this German-looking castle with turrets and a round tower - very grey looking - it looked very formidable at the age of 9 years old. There was already a little girl named Shirley Mason so I had to be called by my middle name of May (May Mason). Does anyone remember me? I was a little redhead, very quiet and shy, suffering with asthma. At one time we had our photos taken and I had to wear three-quarter beige socks to cover my scabies spots which were painted with purple liquid by the Catholic nuns. It was an open-air school and we had lessons with the glass doors open most days. If it was warm enough we had to lie on a sunbed outside for an hour or so every afternoon before we could play or have lessons. We used to play 5 stones, I remember.  Does this spark any memories for any other little boy or girl suffering with asthma or tuberculosis?  I remember one of the girls (Theresa?) died and we children had to file behind each other to go to see her  - a lovely girl with dark hair - the nuns put pennies over her eyes to keep them shut and she had her arms crossed over her chest. She was about 12 ish I think. This was the first dead person I had seen - I was about 10 years old.
After being at Bryn Bras Castle some of us were transferred to Hayling Island but I cannot remember the name of the place where I stayed - I only have a memory of my mum and gran visiting me once in the 6 months - I felt like an orphan. The only thing I remember is a pebbly beach with the sea very grey and fierce looking - I was very frightened of the water then.  Let me know if you have any memory of this - it is going back a long while but I cannot remember anything about my stay in Hayling Island which I find very unnerving and strange.  Why?  My memory for other things in my life are reasonable, I believe.

Added 19 December 2008


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