Hoddesdon, Brookside Walk, Lord Street c.1950
Photo ref: H259008
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A Selection of Memories from Hoddesdon

For many years now, we've been inviting visitors to our website to add their own memories to share their experiences of life as it was, prompted by the photographs in our archive. Here are some from Hoddesdon

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I lived on Glen Faba as a young girl, I remember Pete Cartwright , Albey Smith, Stan and others. We all use to go to Roydon Youth Club once a week until it closed. Such fond memories.
I have fond memories of this school, it was modern with great teachers back in the early 1960’s sadly my parents moved us to Surrey after I was only there for a year, I never enjoyed a school again as I did at Hoddesdon Secondary, if there’s anyone who was at this School in early 1960’s, it would be great to hear from you, my name is Andrew Flaxman, the only names of pupils in my class I remember ...see more
In the mid 50`s, I delivered groceries on a trade bike to places in Glen Faba, from Noyes shop, in Rye Road, squatters had moved into many places and were customers. They kept Alsatian dogs to keep anyone in authority away, they also scared me stiff, so much so, I asked my father to drive me there. He was fortunate enough, to have a small Austin 8 car, to take me there and take the delivery to the ...see more
I was raised in esse x road hoddesdon. The house i lived in was opposite bell and websters. It now is Sainsburys depot The school i went to was Hazelwood junior school and then onto Hoddesdon secondary school.Leaving school I became a carpenter and jjoiner, years later i got married ,had three children and emigrated to Australia. Returning in 1996 i now live in West Sussex (Lancing by sea) it is where my late wife ...see more