Lincoln, A Child By The Noticeboard, Art Gallery c.1950
Photo ref: L49005X
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A Selection of Memories from Lincoln

For many years now, we've been inviting visitors to our website to add their own memories to share their experiences of life as it was, prompted by the photographs in our archive. Here are some from Lincoln

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The biggest reason I remember the 1953 Coronation was because it was the first time I had ever seen a television. I was only very young in 1953 but I was privileged to be able to watch Queen Elizabeth's Coronation live on a television. The tv was not my Mum & Dad's tv, they could not afford one in 1953, few people could, but belonged to a "wealthy" Aunt & Uncle who lived close by. My ...see more
My family were all from Lincoln, I remember my dad taking me to Hartsholme lake to go fishing and boating on the Boultham park lake. Our family holidays were usually Sutton on sea, Dad would always go to the Bachus hotel at lunch time. My later teens I would go out, ( in the seventies) to the pubs which a lot of are not there any more, The Grand Hotel for one, another was the wagon and horses at the end of Rookery ...see more
Hi I also used to go the court. Dave Mcg was great. I used to go on a Saturday night until I left UK for Germany and used to teach on a Saturday morning
I was born in Gibbeson Terrace off the High street in early 1941. My first memory is hearing air raid sirens going off early in the morning, I think they were just practising. We were a poor family although my dad was doing special war work, so he was not conscripted. One morning after the air raid siren went off there was an almighty crash nearby and my parents bed collapsed while they were in it I think a German ...see more