St.Vincents Secondary School 1958 1963

A Memory of Northolt.

I have only just found this interesting site. We moved to Newmarket Ave. during 1958 and I attended both Islip Manor and St.Vincent Schools. What a great time I had, growing up on the racecource estate, making camps in the unbuilt-on fields, playing in and on building site houses and football on the large green at the front of the estate. St.Vincents was a great school, especially for sports. I boxed and played football for the school and had many friends. Some of those were; Ken Spraggett, Teddy Priest, Terry Chinnery, Sandra Herring, Gillian Blake, Maureen Allen, Tony Best and Terry Driver. I remember The Cabin shop, where I had a paper round. I moved with my family to Surrey during 1963 and now live in Wiltshire. It was a sad day moving from Northolt and leaving friends - does anyone still live there that went to St.Vincents School?

Added 07 August 2012


Comments & Feedback

hi there i lived at newmarket ave from about 1955 till 1963 before we moved to townson ave (just of kingshill ave) we lived at number 18 newmarket avenue, i remembered the pegram family, the mold family (michael and his sister) and i think the bridstone? family David?) pegram family was Graham and his 2 sisters brenda and sandra!, I think my dad worked as a carpenter when they built that block of flats about 6 floors high, was it called the heights?)
i went to the school opposite the Target pub! then once my parents found out i was a little deaf i had to go to school in tottenham for the deaf!
Hi there, I lived at 77 Dabbs Hill Lane at the age of 6yrs - 1952, next door to the Springs, Keith and Robin. Lived there til I married in 1967. Went to Islip Manor then Vincent sec. I remember Mrs Wager, needlework teacher, Mr Maloney,Geography, Mr Webster, History. We had lots of fun as kids on the estate. Watched the stadiums demolished always had a siren before they crashed down. my mum hated the siren. I had two brothers, John and Michael, I am the only one left. remember Hazel Stanbury, we lived on our roller skates and spent hours skating round our area. Her mum Bella made the girls on our street, the cook girls etc. white dresses with red and blue rosettes on them for the coronation in 1953. Standburys had a TV and we all piled into their living room to watch coronation. Wonderful happy memories.
Hi just to say I moved to Northolt and attented Northolt have good memories I did last part of my secondary eduction there
Left in July 1960 lived in wilsmere drive from where I left to
Get married in 1967 whilst I was there the group I sat with
We had nick names mine was one of two bean pole not that
I am like that quite like that now wonder if you out there remember. Other were wink, cons table ,virgin hope I hear
From one of you happy memories enjoyed my school years
Only did not get on with the RI teacher I lived with my mum
Only well thanks for the memories. Is there a list of full names
Any where I can trace please Thankyou God Bless all
Hi since knowl replays yet thought would say my maiden name
Was Valerie King others same class Barbara virgin, john constable, peter. .? Pamala ? we sat together at lunch
Best memories those school days was 21 when left the estate
To get married mum stayed for some more years before moving
Nearer her job with London transport hope you are all well if you
are friend of or family perhaps you could let folk know how there
we're in the days that followed st Vincent school Thankyou
God Bless

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