Reighton, Gap, General Stores c.1960
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A Selection of Memories from Reighton

For many years now, we've been inviting visitors to our website to add their own memories to share their experiences of life as it was, prompted by the photographs in our archive. Here are some from Reighton

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We used to stay in the family bungalow in the 1960s (all the cousins remember it as a magical place) and play all over the sands and cliffs - still have the fossil collection. Big treat going to the marvellous shop at the top for postcards, sweets, buckets, spades - until very recently I had a souvenir of a blue china boat with a seagull, marked 'Reighton Gap'. Then driving for fish ...see more
My grandad built a bungalow that as far as I know still stands today. It was virtually opposite the shop, next to the car park at the top of the road that led down, past the quarry to the beach. I think it was called Huno Brow or something similar & they moved into it in the early 60's from "red roofs" which was further up the gap.
Great memories of this store when we visited my dad's parents. In the early 60s, my grandad built the bungalow almost directly opposite the stores, next to the car park. I believe it's still there!
This August 2014, on my way back from Whitby, I took a detour and called at Reighton Gap. The last time I was there was in the late 1950s / early 60's when we stayed at the bungalow my grandmother owned on Boat Cliff Road. I seem to remember it was No.8 and was called St Margaret. It was on the left hand side going up the hill and had a low wooden fence around it. At the bottom of the road was a General Shop ...see more