A Golden Summer

A Memory of Severn Beach.

Firstly--although the date of this picture is not confirmed, the scene it depicts, is exactly how I remember the 'Blue Lagoon' from 1955. This encapcilates exactly--'The Seaside Holiday' in post war Britain. In our families particular case, we were new arrivals from the midlands, but as 'permanent migrants, not holidaymakers. Although the term hadn't been 'invented'--we were early victims of 'gazumping', and ended up staying in a holiday caravan, till we managed to get another house--in Bristol. 1955, had a glorious Summer, which strangely, no one else seems to recall. My sibblings and I spent the whole summer, either cycling around the unspoilt country lanes--to Aust etc, or we would be in the Blue Lagoon, where we all learnt how to swim. As kids from the industrial heart of Britain, this was paradise; We were allowed to stay out late, hang around Heals permanent fair ground, with it's bright lights and loud music of the day, blaring out over the noise of dodgem cars , and the screams of the teenagers on the rides. The lingering smell of candyfloss, and the beckening aroma of fish-'n-chips is unforgetable. I have several of Frith Books , but I have never seen one depicting 'Severn Beach' before. We all ( as a nation) owe this genious of a man, and his organiseation, a huge dept of gratitude for their foresight and generosity, in allowing us--and future generations, to take a glimpse into our past lives ,by the magic of Photography.

Added 19 November 2013


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