Nostalgic memories of Severn Beach's local history

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For many years now, we've been inviting visitors to our web site to add their own memories to share their experiences of life as it was when the photographs in our archive were taken. From brief one-liners explaining a little bit more about the image depicted, to great, in-depth accounts of a childhood when things were rather different than today (and everything inbetween!). We've had many contributors recognising themselves or loved ones in our photographs.

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Displaying Memories 1 - 10 of 11 in total

I was born in dorchester way Kenton in 1946 I am still in touch with John Creswell who is now in Perth Australia. Other friends were Norman Kielly now sadly no longer with us and Andy Anderson whom we have been unable to track down. I was known then as John Gorringe but had a name change when mum remarried. Spent hours playing at Barn Hill pond and surrounding areas like the bumps at Kingsbury. Are any more of our old classmates still around?
I spent some great holidays at the Severn Beach in the 1950s. We stayed in a caravan park where all the vans were made from old converted double and single decker busses as well as old railway carriages. The site and "Caravans" were immaculately maintained. For us kids it was just a short run down the field,over the bank,onto the boating lake. It was a terrific adventure to come down from Halifax,usually ...see more
i can remember going to the rustics cinema in the late 50s i think the film was 20,000 leagues under the sea great memories
Gosh, a blast from the past, Robin. I was at no. 10, Eris Tudor. Idyllic childhood. Weren't we lucky? Was shattered on a recent visit to find St Nicholas Church no more. Such wonderful memories, though, to pass on to our grandchildren. Eris Slater now.
Firstly--although the date of this picture is not confirmed, the scene it depicts, is exactly how I remember the 'Blue Lagoon' from 1955. This encapcilates exactly--'The Seaside Holiday' in post war Britain. In our families particular case, we were new arrivals from the midlands, but as 'permanent migrants, not holidaymakers. Although the term hadn't been 'invented'--we were early victims of 'gazumping', and ...see more
I was born in Severn Beach in 1937 and lived in number 11 Ableton Lane, later to become Church Road! I remember the Stockham family very well and the Scrivens, Mrs Lukins, and all along the road, Vowles, Grimes, Tudors, etc etc. I started Pilning school in 1942, going there on the handle bar of my cousin's bike for the first few months and then it was walk it! My maiden name was Washbourne. Severn ...see more
I was born in Severn Beach in 1953. We lived in the Chalets at first, and then moved on. I would like to know if any of my old friends are on this site. The fairground, the boating lake, the club, the swimming pool are now sadly, all gone.
I can remember waiting at Ashley Down Station for the steam train; towels,swim suits and picnic in big beach bags. The journey was an adventure every time, the smell of the smoke and the old carriages. Pushing your head out of the window with a a leather strap to keep it open. Feeling the wind in your hair, mum nagging about getting things in your eyes! The excitement as the train pulls into the station the ...see more
I lived in Patchway in the 1960s, every weekend friends and I would catch the train to Severn Beach to go swimming in the pool there, I wonder if it's still there, I guess not. I remember the stinky change area :) and the crowded pool, great times they were !
I am not a beach boy, even though we share a name. (I have not worked out how to create paragraphs,so bear with me.) My parents moved to the Beach when I was about 11 years old (around 1953) to Beach Road. We lived in the last house before the boating lake and I went to Patchway Secondary Modern by coach every weekday. I never sat next to Robin Stockham, he was too noisy!(sorry Rob). I also used the ...see more