I Remeber Hutton Residential School

A Memory of Shenfield.

I was a 'student' at the institution from about 1948 to 1953. I remember some of the staff. Head master was Mr Higdon, Teacher of wood work and house master was Mr McFadon. there was Gov Reily, Mr & MrsCreasy, I think a Mr Banister. I also have an aerial photo of the institution which does show houses around the perimeter of an oval. I left there in 1953 to take up an apprenticeship with the London Electricity Board as an electrical tradesman. I then emigrated to Austalia. One thing that always sticks out in my mind is, the end of 'sugar rationing'.
We all rushed down the road to a shop called Mustgraves, after we received our weekly allowance.

Added 22 May 2010


Comments & Feedback

I was in Hutton in the 1950 with my brother Fred and my sister carol offord my name was Gwen offord does any one know us. My name now is Gwen Harrison.
My email address is gwenharrison1@sky.com
I remember mr and mrs creasy mr higdon gov Reilly mr bannister. Gwen
I remember mr and mrs creasy mr higdon gov Reilly mr bannister. Gwen
Hi Brothers & Sisters,
My name is Paul Williams
I lived at Hutton Poplars (Serota House) down by the woods from 1968-1978
, and my house mother & father we Aunty Pat & Uncle Bill Limmer, they also had a daughter Eveline & son Peter.. I attended Bishops Hill Primary School , my Secondary School ( like many other Home Kids) was St Martin's at the top of Hanging Hill Lane..i couldn't tell u many names that i can recall who lived with me and my Sister Sheila in Serota House, but Lex and Devon Palmer spring to mind, along with Allan Ullah, Maria & Jerry Collins , Kim Torrence , we had about 8 Children in our home, and i can truthfully tell anyone I had the most special childhood in hindsight I could have ever imagined or hoped for under the circumstances, Yes it was very strict indeed ( but I didn't know any different) my sister and i were Loved, Protected and Raised with a clear understanding of Respect and Politeness of which I have carried through into my Adult Life.. I did attend one reunion which from what i remember is/was held on the Last Bank Holiday in May.. I attended in 2007 I think....if anyone who remembers me or my sister Sheila I would love to hear from you..
I am writing on behalf of a friend who was a resident of Hutton Residential possibly mid to end 50’s. His name is George and his friend’s name was George.
He would love to know if anybody remembers the two George’s around that time.
Also, does anybody know about any forthcoming reunions of Hutton Residential?
I was at Hutton residential school 1955/1958 my name then was david o,Sullivan I was placed I think in neath house there wad a distinct class system about the place the tables in the dining room had names top table called toffs table bottom table slobs table I remember one boys name which I think was jimmy Dugan I remember he came home with me for a weekend home visit the housekeeper had a large dog which required an operation to remove stones from his stomach that I had been throwing I wasn’t very popular with after that and he made my life uncomfortable after that incident if anybody can provide any further information about the school I would be grateful before Hutton I was in Langley house east India dock road
I remember them all, not all with affection. Anybody remember Pat Hills, and her sister ? around 54/55
Hello all I remember Hutton residential home later to be call Hutton poplars I was in Katrina house which was as you went through the gate followed the road round to the left was first one on the left. I was there in the fifties early sixties with my 2 brothers our last name was Forbes and my name is Peter my other 2 brothers name was Marcus and bob I als attended St Martins technical school which I enjoyed I liked the playing fields the swimming pool and used to play football and cricket supervised by gov Reily.

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