Parties In Zennor Road

A Memory of Streatham.

I lived in Tooting and my then boyfriend, Johnny Finch, lived in Zennor Road along with his family, mum Elsie, dad Jack, siblings Jeanne, Elsie, Tony and John. There was an older brother too, who also lived in Zennor Road with his wife Rose. We had the most wonderful parties there with all the neighbours coming in, including the Flower family who lived across the road. One man called 'bomber' who was well known for his boxing, used to go in the local pubs collecting money for disabled children etc.. and if you didn't put money in the collection box he would stand and look you straight in the eye and call you everything under the sun - he meant well though. They still had tin baths in some of the houses and when a party was in full swing someone would fetch it out, put some drunk in it, and cover them with beer. It was all in good fun. My boyfriend John would walk me home all sorts of hours through the common and then walk back, it was quite safe except for the odd flasher which we thought was funny. Wouldn't like to do it now though. Yes, Zennor was very special to me and always will be. If anyone knows of the family please get in touch. Janet Clark (nee butt).

Added 10 September 2012


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