School Days

A Memory of Streatham.

Oh, what memories came back when reading other people's; I was one of five children that went to Emmanual School. I have 3 brothers and one sister, we attended there between 1953 - 1964; there was Megan, Dennis, Noma, Trevor, Edmund,our surname is Gill (I married a McGill). When I look back I am sure we were looked at as the poor family but we were happy. We lived in Colmer Road, the Norbury End of Streatham. We use to walk to school and sometimes buy sweets on the way. I remember one kind girl who I became friends with, her surname was Boswell although I can't recall her first name. I also remember Trevor Brooks, Sally Field and Brian Srubb to name a few. My father worked at Cows Factory and he used to bring home hot bread after working all night for our breakfast. I used to like the little bottles of milk we used to have at playtime, if you were lucky you sometimes got a second one. We used to love the Christmas parties, one year Mr Watkins (the headmaster) bought everyone a small gift. Such good things have changed. I came to live in Australia in 1972 but I get back to England about every three years. I have a sister still living in West Norwood and a brother in Kent. I also have 2 brothers that also live in Australia near me. We all married and have children. I will always love London but saddened to see how Streatham appears now. I wonder where everyone is now..?

Added 01 October 2013


Comments & Feedback

I went to Emanuel around 65. Mr Church's class
I remember old Watkins, he loved to sing.
Immanuel school Streatham I and my 6 brothers and sisters went there I remember Trevor Gill he was either in my class or the one below Mr Watkins Mr Church Miss Hamson Miss Brakewell great days you must remember the Cormack family thats us. Imagine how I felt when the new school was built by the company I worked for and I was the foreman plumber on the job 75/76 and moving on to be a refrigeration engineer I worked on Sainsburys store on the old Immanuel site coincidence or what nice to read your memories also wondering the name of markrg 1 I must know you? Await replies regards
Ian Cormack
PS Trevor Brooks lived in our road
I went to Immanuel school and remember you well Norma...also remember one of your brother's ...can't remember if it was trevor or Dennis. My name then was Susan Cleall and I lived in Kempshott road. Also remember your name Ian Cormack. Left streatham along time ago now but still always looking for old memories/pictures of 50's/60's streatham. Look forward to hearing from you if you remember me.
Hi Susan long time ago remember it all well great days at Immanuel there were 7 of us that all went to Immanuel lol I only live in Thornton Heath now not far away were you in my class Trevor Gill was I will leave my email addy and only if you want reply as I very rarely look at this site regards Sue

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