Nostalgic memories of Sutton's local history

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For many years now, we've been inviting visitors to our web site to add their own memories to share their experiences of life as it was when the photographs in our archive were taken. From brief one-liners explaining a little bit more about the image depicted, to great, in-depth accounts of a childhood when things were rather different than today (and everything inbetween!). We've had many contributors recognising themselves or loved ones in our photographs.

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Displaying Memories 31 - 40 of 42 in total

I was born and brought up in Sutton until we moved when I was 8. I remember going to swimming club on Friday evening in the old swimming pool and visiting the library when it was in an old house through the park. I am particularly interested in any memories people may have of the old brass plaque in the entrance to the swimming pool stating that the pool was built by Humphries the builder, as he was my ...see more
My grandparents lived at 42 Elm Grove from the 1920s until the late 1970s, Mr & Mrs Whiffen. My father was brought up there, only leaving when the Second World War broke out. My paternal great grandmother also lived close by, Mrs Beauchamp. I lived in Catford but often visited and stayed on my own with my grandparents. I remember the corner sweetshop/general store run by Mrs Trevener. The fish shop was always a great ...see more
This is the church that I was christened in and my older sister was married in, it was just down the road from where I lived in Carshalton Road. I also went to Sunday School there. It was a beautiful old church. Sadly I have not been there for a long time, but now I have seen the photo I will make an effort to visit.
My memories of Manor Park were that on a Saturday morning we used to go to the Granada cinema for Saturday morning pictures. The cinema was right next to the park and we used to go in the park on our way home. I lived in Carshalton Road. My grandfather's name is on the war memorial in the park and also my uncle's name is on there, they both died in the First World War. I have wonderful memories of the years ...see more
As a footnote to my previous memory of Elm Grove, could I have your wife's maiden name as I know many of the girls that would have gone to Sutton West Girls' School including my own sister Linda, do you think you might know her? I might even know your wife.
I am a Sutton girl, and have lived here all my life. I can remember the army barracks on the A217 but my husband says I am dreaming, can anyone out there confirm I am right?
I lived in Sutton from 1959 to 2004 but I do not remember anywhere in Cheam Rd that looks like this! Possibly a different Cheam?
I lived in Sutton when I was a very young child and my mum had a very special friend that we visited most days. We knew here as Grannie Cairnes. I remember going there and I remember going to the market where they had a great big talking parrot that we used to feed, I remember really looking forward to that. Then, as a teen, I remember going to Sutton shopping on Saturdays with my mates. I went for a quick look ...see more
I was born in Cedar Road maternity annexe in Sutton in 1956 and lived in Eaton Road for my first 10 years of life. One of my biggest joys was visiting the library that was situated in Manor Park in a house that I think may still be there, it was only small but was a wonderful old place. The War Memorial in Manor Park has my grandmother's brother named on it, not sure of his Christian name but his surname is Hill.  My ...see more
I have lived in The Ridgway for the last 42 years and many of these "Windebank" houses will shortly be celebrating their 100th Birthday. Has anybody any old photographs or matters relating this area from c1908 onwards?