Nostalgic memories of Wallington's local history

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For many years now, we've been inviting visitors to our web site to add their own memories to share their experiences of life as it was when the photographs in our archive were taken. From brief one-liners explaining a little bit more about the image depicted, to great, in-depth accounts of a childhood when things were rather different than today (and everything inbetween!). We've had many contributors recognising themselves or loved ones in our photographs.

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Displaying Memories 11 - 20 of 50 in total

I loved this school. I left in 1964, after '0' levels. The last years were spent in a hut by the back gate. I have lost touch with all my old friends but would love to know how they all are. My name then was Sue Gill, later to become Sue Hodge, now Sue Hansen.
My memories of Wallington are more than I can put into words! My family and I moved there from Seville, Spain in 1942 during World War II when i was only 4 years old and didn't even speak the language. My 5 sisters, my brother and I went to High View School, and even though I am 77 years old now, I still remember the Headmistress, Miss Clark, and some of my teachers like Miss Eaton and Mr. ...see more
My grandfather had a saddlers in Wallington called Kellys which was his fathers shop before him, Sadly both my grandparents were killed by a V1 bond in 1944
So many shared memories of growing up in Wallington. I went to Holy Trinity from 1945 -1950 I was Marion Kopperman then. I well remember Mrs Harding, Miss Coates and the awful Miss Heathfield, I was terried of her! Like others we fished for stickleback off Carshalton Bridge and drank from the fountain by the Grange, wonder if that would allowed today? I lived in Park Rd and spent my pocket money in Burges's a ...see more
Does anybody remember the Swoffer family? I lived at 43A Manor Road, my Gran and Aunt's and Uncle's lived at 81b Manor Road. I went to Elmwood School, Hackbridge, (Gone!) and later worked at Hackbridge Cables. The Grange was wonderful, Beddington Park - so BIG! All seems about 150 years ago now.
Great memories of Roundshaw, moved there in 1970. The decks were so clean with concrete still setting. Went to St Elpheges primary school, there I met so many friends to this day. Lived at 28 Hadrian Close with my parents, brother and sister. Used to play arrows, marbles, swap football cards which I used to get from the bluo van parked at the bottom of the road. Remember getting my Mark 1 chopper bike in ...see more
I used to drink there regularly in the 70s with rugby playing friends. Windsor Davies from 'It Aint arf hot Mum' used to drink there too.
I attended Collingwood from 1957 - 1960 and yes, the discipline was severe. I once looked out of the window as a fire engine went by and was punished with 6 of the best! Mr Kirby Birt was an odd character with a viscious streak. They were all scary. I think there was a Mr Maynard who wasn't too bad. I failed my 11 plus but got into Trinity, Croydon. We used to go swimming in Beddington Park open air baths ...see more
I used to live in the Dukes Head. My uncle & aunt, Dot and Joe Craston, they were the tenants and I lived there with my mum and stepfather, Peggy and Derek Stone. Many good memories of the area apart from Collingwood School which I hated, all now departed, I wonder if anyone one here remembers them?
I've recently moved into a flat at 20 Manor Road, and just interested to know if anyone has any history of the building or its tenants/owners back in the 1800's? Thank you, Nicola