Nostalgic memories of Woodcote's local history

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For many years now, we've been inviting visitors to our web site to add their own memories to share their experiences of life as it was when the photographs in our archive were taken. From brief one-liners explaining a little bit more about the image depicted, to great, in-depth accounts of a childhood when things were rather different than today (and everything inbetween!). We've had many contributors recognising themselves or loved ones in our photographs.

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Displaying all 6 Memories

Does anyone have any memories of Rudolf Steel or his son of Westways, Woodcote Road by any chance? There in the late 50s/60s.
Very few people realise that there was a RAF Maintenance Camp in Woodcote during and after the Second World War years. There is a comprehensive history of this operational base with archive photos and local oral memories at :- Have a look now before all the old tell tale signs are gone forever as nature reclaims the land back.
Penny went on to have 2 boys, Joe and Frankie, Frankie being the same age as me. We used to play at Rogers Yard, Penny Royal, which I think was once owned by Penny's dad. But given two Frank Rogers in the family I am not sure.
Regarding the statement of Percy Bonner and his wife Rennie Bonner, written by Ken Crammer: These people were my aunt and uncle. Uncle Percy and Aunt Rennie went on to have 2 children, Louisa and Percy aka Penny, both married and continued to live in Crays Pond with their children and grandchildren near by. In 1966 Uncle Percy was in a tragic accident when a tree fell on him and he was killed, Aunt Rennie ...see more
Regarding the statement of Percy Bonner and his wife Rennie Bonner written by Ken Crammer. These people were my Aunt and Uncle. Uncle percy and aunt Rennie went on to have 2 children, Louisa and percy aka penny, both married and continued to live in crays pond with their children and grandchildren near by. In 1966 Uncle Percy was in a tragic accident when a tree fell on him and was killed, Aunt Rennie died after ...see more
I was evacuated to some wooden bungalows in Goring Road and lived with Percy and Renee Bonner. Renee's relations were Romany gypsies who lived in Woodcote. The photo shows The White Lion and the village shop which I believe was "Pointers Stores". Percy ran a log delivery business, and these were delivered by horse and cart to surrounding areas by Percy, and although only 10 yrs old, myself!! I can safely say that despite the ...see more