Nostalgic memories of Harlow's local history

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For many years now, we've been inviting visitors to our web site to add their own memories to share their experiences of life as it was when the photographs in our archive were taken. From brief one-liners explaining a little bit more about the image depicted, to great, in-depth accounts of a childhood when things were rather different than today (and everything inbetween!). We've had many contributors recognising themselves or loved ones in our photographs.

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Displaying Memories 51 - 60 of 67 in total

Used to live at 7 Sharpcroft. Dad-Sydney Perham, mum-Gwendoline, myself-Brenda, brothers John and David. It was the corner house. Attended Hare Street Primary School from here.
This photo and the one next to it showing St Pauls must have been taken from the top of Edmunds Tower. I lived there from 1970 - 1974, the views from the roof were wonderful. It was then a walk away from the town centre over the big car park and then back of the big shops (Woolworths was one of them), the view now is very different and the town centre is on the doorstep!
The doctors (Dr Busby) we went to was to the left of the blacksmiths. The Pub is called the Green Man. I had many an orange juice and crisps from there. It was one of the pubs my dad used. Next to that on the right was a big field where they had the fair, cicuses and rodeo shows.
Can anyone tell me if this is Mark Hall?  If it is I've got a story.
Where we took Judy to the vets when she cut her stomach open on barbed wire.  She was stitched up and was good as new.
This is where mum shopped and got toys, records 78s, fireworks, sweets etc.
This is where my dad used to take Kitty for her new shoes.  One day while on our way home I was riding her and dad was leading her, when she trod on his foot and broke it.  He had to ride her back to the doctors which was very near the blacksmiths. On the right of the blacksmiths there was a big field where they put on shows etc and we ...see more
We used to always walk to school Fawbert and Barnard a few yards up next to police station  in the summer and walk home.Behind the bus stop was the post office.I was 8 when this picture was taken.
This is where one of my best friends still lives. His name is Michael, he's a Spurs supporter.  Still get a Xmas card and from 5 years old until I left in 1961 we stayed friends with our little gang of mates Colin, David, Gary, Christopher, Wiggy and a few others . We all went to Forbert & Barnards and Mark Hall schools . We had many a good day together outside of school hours.   
This photo IS 1955 as you can see the garden is on the left of picture with giant Pear Tree and cooking apple tree in picture .............Finish story at later date when i've got a bit of time.