Silverdale, Emesgate Lane c.1955
Photo ref: S609009
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A Selection of Memories from Silverdale

For many years now, we've been inviting visitors to our website to add their own memories to share their experiences of life as it was, prompted by the photographs in our archive. Here are some from Silverdale

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Late night a watched a 1963 film "the Birds" and remember how it scared the living daylight out of me and my family! I was 5 and holidaying in Silverdale with my Large family ! I remember having to pinch the keys up from the post office / shop and driving to the house which had a varandda all the way round it ! The house was mainly wood ! And very large .i think it belonged to an army colonel a friend of my dads who use ...see more
With my sister Anice I was evacuated to Silverdale from Salford on 1st September 1939. We had three different lodgings but from November 1939 to August 1944 we stayed very happily with Miss Hay at Castle Villas on the corner of Townsfield and Cove Rd. I stayed in touch with her until the year of her death in 1958. I regret I did not discover more about her background. By the time I left Silverdale she had been my ...see more
I moved to Silverdale from Bradford in 1945/6 at the end of the war, with my father, Leslie Waddington, and my grandmother Mary Waddington. We bought Swiss Cottages down Townsfield from Tommy Taylor the joiner for £1100, with three quarters of an acre of land and the sufferance footpath which still connects Townsfield to St John's Church. I left Silverdale in November 1949 to join the Fleet Air ...see more
I am tracing family history. I would like to know who was running the Post Office in that year in 1948?My mother Marjorie Edna Webber was an assistant there. I also have family memories of Mattie and Percy Allinson who I used to stay with. My father and his brother used to stay and help at Allinsons farm on Cove Road in the early teens and twenties of the twentieth century. My mum and dad ...see more