Eckington, Market Street c.1955
Photo ref: E226011X
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A Selection of Memories from Eckington

For many years now, we've been inviting visitors to our website to add their own memories to share their experiences of life as it was, prompted by the photographs in our archive. Here are some from Eckington

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My father Frank Mallinder was born in the family home on the 1/02/1915 at 45 Queen street Eckington. His father was Willliam born 1876 Wath upon Dearne his mother was Harriet born 1881 Mossborough. There where 9 children and 2 lodgers in a 2 bedroom terraced house plus Buster the dog! They stayed there till about 1926 with all sons working down the local pit! and William also look after the Queens Head Public ...see more
THE FAMILY HOME. I was born in the front room of the last bay windowed house on Station Road in 1964, number 87. I have fond memories of growing up & playing on the street, thankfully the house is still in the family. Although the village has changed over the years Station Road hasn’t!
I worked at the co-op drapery, next door to Davys and Frisbys shoe shop at the other side in 1955 untill I married and left in 1960. The manager was Mr Shaw from Chesterfield. The other girls who worked with me were Gyneth Haywood who lived in Eckington, Barbara Jessop who also lives in Eckington, Diane Fiddler who was married to Jimmy Fiddler and lived across from the Alma pub at Mosborough. The man that ...see more
Myself and my brother were brought up in 50's by our grandparents as mum had died around Xmas '53. School was Camms, we joined the church choir and blessed with a decent voice I became head chorister singing various solos. Cubs and Scouts followed, Rev Branson being in charge with his sister with the cubs. Would like to get info on my mum's death, her maiden name was Morton and we all lived ...see more