Bispham, Palm Court, A Bedroom c.1960
Photo ref: B744041
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A Selection of Memories from Bispham

For many years now, we've been inviting visitors to our website to add their own memories to share their experiences of life as it was, prompted by the photographs in our archive. Here are some from Bispham

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What a joy to see the stained glass window again. Every childhood Christmas with my beloved mum & dad, my brother and I would enter the fancy dress competition in this very room. Also we eagerly awaited the arrival of Father Christmas, coming down the lift!! So many families we met year after year, every Christmas, catered for by Jean Coleman and her husband. Thanks to Mum and Dad for the most wonderful memories.
So many happy days with my & other families waiting for Chritmas to arrive as a child in the 1970s. Jean Coleman managing the Hotel, with her husband as head Chef. I shall never forget the sound of all the proud father's (including my own) singing carols on Christmas morning before breakfast. Mums keeping their excited children in check. Waiting for Father Christmas to come down in the lift (!) after lunch. ...see more