Bradwell On Sea, River Blackwater c.1960
Photo ref: B177012
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A Selection of Memories from Bradwell on Sea

For many years now, we've been inviting visitors to our website to add their own memories to share their experiences of life as it was, prompted by the photographs in our archive. Here are some from Bradwell on Sea

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Our family moved to Tillingham in 1943. My father had a job with Mr Drakeford & the house we lived in on the square was a tied cottage. After the war we moved into the first of the Swedish council houses at the top of Brook Rd. They were called Swedish houses due to the timber being donated from Swedish Govt after the war in '45. I attended Tillingham school until I was 15 in 1952. I ...see more
My Nan and Grandad used to live in a bungalow on Bacons Chase. I can remember leapfrogging over these mushroom looking concrete things that lined the road to the Bacon Farm/House. Back in those old days I still remember the old privy - cold, dark, used to hate 'going'. Also remember walking the sea wall by the power station.
I was born at Bradwell on Sea waterside in 1958 and remember the quay very well. Much of my growing up days were spent playing on the very quay in the photo. In the summer we would leap into the water from the quay which was by then furnished with a steel frame which we called the bars. Bradwell waterside was a great place to grow up in, as was Bradwell. My family have all moved from Bradwell now but we all ...see more
We moved to Bradwell around this time and lived in a bungalow called the Poplars. From the main road there was a long lane which was lined with poplars, hence the name! I wonder if anyone remembers it as I am unable to find any details on the internet. Thanks, Sue Bryant.