
A Memory of Brixton.

Born 1941 in Lafone House New Park Road, my first playgrounds were bomb sites of Poynders Road and around the council estates. First school Richard Atkins New Park Rd. Several jobs as a lad. Help on bread round Prices Bakers, Home Counties Dairy milk round and paper rounds for Post Office in Streatham Place and Webster's newsagent in New Park Road
First full time job Harry Brooker Butcher New Park Road. Attended cubs then scouts at St Mathias church Tulse Hill then ATC at Tulse Hill Drill Hall.

Added 29 April 2018


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My Mum's family lived at 9 Lafone House from before 1938 until, probably, 1950 or so. Mum went back to live there with me towards the end of the war after she got bombed out from Thornton Ave. My earliest memories include looking out of a window at tanks coming along a road which I assume was New Park Rd and of an uncle striking coloured matches on the walkway on what I think must have been VJ day. Dad came to live with us when he got demobbed and we stayed there until Feb 1947 when we got rehoused into a new prefab in Balham. By that time I was just 4 years old. I have some dim recollections of when we used to visit Gran before she moved to Tulse Hill, particularly I remember a very distinctive smell - sort of antiseptic soap smell!

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