Buckland, Park c.1965
Photo ref: B368021
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A Selection of Memories from Buckland

For many years now, we've been inviting visitors to our website to add their own memories to share their experiences of life as it was, prompted by the photographs in our archive. Here are some from Buckland

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My time at Buckland: 1965 - 68 was the best time of my life. I have lived since then - many adventures, but Buckland was the start of it all. If only my first real boyfriend/partner would read this... I have tried so hard to track him down. We are both now in our seventies, but I would so love to get in touch again, even meet up. It would be wonderful to share our life experiences. Peter, I think you prepared me ...see more
My name is Brian Nevillle and I came to Buckland in the 1950s I was captivated and must admit it was some of the happiest days of my life. I remember Mrs pod bury and a beautiful young lady whose name was Doreen I fell in love strait away and was so stupid to let her go. I wonder where she is now .i hope she is still well I have visited in recent years and each time lovely memmories and sad regrets are intermingled.
Every brick remembered, front and back and down below, with immense fondness.
I have to go to bed right now, and hope I can add my memories later. I wrote home every day for several months after first arriving to live in Buckland at Warneford South, to attend University Hall Buckland until 1971. So many memories! The Trout at Tadpole Bridge, going for long long walks along country lanes... but they all have to go to sleep right now...