Burraton, The Village c.1960
Photo ref: B492005
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Just on the outskirts of Saltash, these cows are being herded across the old main road to Liskeard, a scene difficult to imagine with today's heavy traffic.

Memories of Burraton, the Village c1960

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Hi Bob. I remember your mother behind the Post Office counter. Your cat used to regularly attack our dog as we passed your front gate on the way to Burraton Park.  We both went to Saltash Grammar School in the late fifties.  I lived with Mrs Richards at 382 New Road a matter of a couple of hundred yards away near what used to be called the Coronation Inn and later was renamed the Rodney.  Roger's shop was further down New Road from us.  I believe it is now a Spar Store.
My mother ran Burraton Post Office from 1950 to about 1990 and sold Frith postcards. The cows are being driven by Mrs Cook, a farmer's wife, whose farm was about 300 yards behind the photographer in Liskeard Road, Burraton. The farm was called 'The Elms'. The farmhouse is still there, but is now an old peoples' home called The Elms. The farmland has been built on.