Caterham, Croydon Road 1900
Photo ref: 46029
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A Selection of Memories from Caterham

For many years now, we've been inviting visitors to our website to add their own memories to share their experiences of life as it was, prompted by the photographs in our archive. Here are some from Caterham

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CATERHAM HILL - High Street and Chaldon Road I lived in 20 Chaldon Road and 5-7 High Street, Caterham Hill as a young child from about 9 years old. I went to the Infant school in Chaldon Road. On Friday mornings a Siren was used to attend school, I think an air raid siren. The Boys Brigade used to meet in the evenings in the school playground. I joined the Youth Club which was held in a hall in Chaldon Road, great ...see more
St John's Church was where all 5 of the Fleet Family children, Shirley, me, Michael, Herbert Terry, Peter, and Susan were baptised, starting in 1935 through to 1946. Our School was opposite, and we walked all of the way from "Northdowns" at the junction of Harestone Hill road and Harestone Valley road to school daily. It's a long way for little legs.. Today I live in Kent and Susan in Lancashire. Mum came from ...see more
Marden Park was the furthest extent of our cross-country run from Caterham School (Wapses Lodge) in 1951. We would leave the school, cross the Caterham by-pass, run on a bridle path between fields (which I believe, in 1944, were used as a huge parking area for military materiel in the build-up to D-Day), down on to the Woldingham Road, under the viaduct and onto Marden Park Road. We would then run as far as (what was in ...see more
I will be 72 years old this year of 2015. I remember working with my uncle Syd and Auntie Chris Ryder at Bromley Hall Corn Merchants at the Godstone Road end of Timber Hill on the site which later became Fine Fares supermarket. I was about 8 or 9 years old when I first used to go round to Syds home in Holly Tree Road on The Hill and he would take me down to the Corn Stores on ...see more