Was The Sweet Shop Foyles, Near Holy Trinity?
A Memory of Cheshunt.
I still remember the thrill of walking down the drive from Cheshunt Sec' School on the last day, with the image of it burning on the back of my neck. Refusing to look back I was saying to myself, "I will never have to walk this path again as long as I live". I remember Farriday with yellow fingers, chain smoking. Does anyone have a good memory to share?
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My Mum & Dad owned Foyle's shop between 1955 and about 1960 at which point they sold up and moved to Kingsfield Drive. Off Bullsmoore. One of my regular jobs was to keep the chewing gum machine topped up and take the threepenny bits out and put in the till. I was actually living there when I started work. You mention Holy Trinity Church. I was christened there, confirmed there and wed there. All I need to do is have my funeral there and I think I get a gold watch!! Sadly this won't happen because I live in a small village in Northamptonshire. I also went to Cheshunt Sec. Mod. and remember several teachers . I was heavily involved with a school play "Toad of Toad Hall" in which the great Harry Web (Cliff Richard played Ratty. Sadly this area has declined terribly since Bliar opened our borders. But that's another story.
Kind regards
Peter Saunders
Was this the Foyles at 280 High Street Waltham Cross (next to Tusons)? If so, my Mum and Dad (Alan and Pierrette Cook) also owned it around that time (maybe until I was born in 1955) and we had friends who worked in the shop too... Charlie and Mary Jenkins. Holy Trinity was right behind the shop's back garden. We lived in a big old house called Albury Lodge at Rowlands Fields, Cheshunt. My mum and Harry Webb's mum were friends.
Norman Smith.
sorry you are mistaken. Yes the address was/is 280 High St. (Next door to Tuson's). But the Church was not behind the shop but to the north of the shop on the corner of Trinity Lane. It could be that my Mum & Dad bought the shop off of your Mum & Dad.