Born And Raised In The Village
A Memory of Child Okeford.
Hi Readers ...My name is Vince . I was born in Greenway Lane in 1955 and spent my early years in the village . My father was a Child Okeford man and my Grandfather was in Gold Hill . Even today I have family living at Jacobs Ladder . I can remember Diffys the village shop and what was the old primary school which I attended . Was Mrs Gumbleton the teacher ...forgive if I have misspelt her name ? Very fond memories of living there although some are a tad vague after so many years ..I can recall walking to Shillingstone with my family and boarding the train to Templecombe to see my other grandparents and once saw a Bere Regis bus going over the river bridge there and into the Stour . I can go on ....if anyone can remember me than please make contact ;-)
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We've been in the village 2 years and are currently renovating a terrace cottage on Gold Hill, just down from the Saxon pub on the right, opposite Aplands Close. It's now called Aplands cottages, we're number 3 of 4. We're not sure if it was once 1 house and had a different name, I uncovered a date on the front stone of 1864. I can find lots about the village further up near the cross and the Bakers etc. but not much at all about the lower Gold Hill area. Just wondered if you remember the house or know more about the road?!
My name is David Moon, I remember delivering groceries to your Gran in Gold Hill.
If I am right it was your Aunt Pam I used to take to work in Stur. every day.