Another Coulsdon Playground

A Memory of Coulsdon.

I lived in Tollers Lane, Old Coulsdon 1946-59 before moving to Coulsdon Rise. Farthing Downs was one of our favourite play spaces. Walking down the rough lane opposite our house to Tollers Farm, on down into Happy Valley and up through Devilsden Woods to the Downs. We built camps along the way and cut hazel to make our catapults, bows and arrows, and cow-parsley stems for our pea-shooters. We would ride on the swing boats for free, running away when the lady came out of the tea rooms for money. We could buy ‘pop’ at the tea rooms and take our picnics to Red Barn, a nick-name I think, for the red roofed barn belonging to a farm on the outskirts of Nethern Hospital, west of the downs.
Such a pity that changes over time preclude youngsters from the age of 6 or 7 having such adventures at play without fear, or the need, for adult supervision. The freedom and outdoor life served us much better than a ‘playstation’. Thank goodness the Downs themselves have changed so little and can be recalled as wonderful memories to us ‘old uns’ and still be enjoyed today by those who might wish to venture outside.

Added 26 January 2011


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