Madeley, The Anstice Memorial Hall 1896
Photo ref: 38121
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A Selection of Memories from Madeley

For many years now, we've been inviting visitors to our website to add their own memories to share their experiences of life as it was, prompted by the photographs in our archive. Here are some from Madeley

Sparked a Memory for you?

If this has sparked a memory, why not share it here?

I was born in Madeley in 1951. My father was a coach driver for A.L.Jones of Victoria Road. I spent a lot of my early years sitting on the front seat of the coach, and sometimes on the engine cover next to Dad. I'm sure Health and Safety would have had a field day if they had been around then. I remember the winter of 1963 and the fact that I used to get into a lot of trouble with the other children at ...see more
My father was born In Dawley, John Leslie Millward, his brothers were Charles, and Leslie, and they were brought up by their grandad who was the village blacksmith, and Minister, in Dawley. I myself am John Leslie Millward Jnr, I live in Canada now. I just wondered if anyone from Dawley remembers them or their children's whereabouts.
I was born in 1949 in Victoria Road, Madeley and have many memories of life as it was in the 1950's onwards. I remember Jones' buses, Pooles the cobblers, Carters, Stodd's the Drapers, Shums the chemist, and most memorable of all, Nellie Oakes' shop in Park Avenue. It was always a delight to visit there to purchase four chews for a penny and sherbert and liquorice. The small shedlike store was ...see more