Nostalgic memories of New Haw's local history

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For many years now, we've been inviting visitors to our web site to add their own memories to share their experiences of life as it was when the photographs in our archive were taken. From brief one-liners explaining a little bit more about the image depicted, to great, in-depth accounts of a childhood when things were rather different than today (and everything inbetween!). We've had many contributors recognising themselves or loved ones in our photographs.

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Displaying Memories 21 - 30 of 39 in total

Woking: Having just read memories of New Haw has sent my mind racing. My name is Joe Kennedy, having lived on the corner of Kings Road and Woodham Lane from 1940, doing Nat Service in 1959. Recognising many names from memories. I also went to New Haw primary then West Byffleet. Mr Bean was headmaster. Having read names Read and Carter, I was friends with Johonny Read (brothers Stan & David) and Terry Carter from Kings ...see more
I lived in Holly Avenue, New Haw from 1941-1951, and I remember a very cold winter in 1944, when everything froze. I went to the Co-op youth club in Scotland Bridge Road, and eventually attended school at Woking County Grammar School. It was very rural then with open fields at the top of my street, and when I visited a few years ago it had changed greatly, but was still very beautiful. Regards, Michael Isaacs
Born in Woking in 1945 I lived in New Haw from 1947 to 1964, firstly at Warren Road and then from 1949 in Braeside. I remember Mrs Crab at West Byfleet Primary who taught me to read; I remember Mr Bean at Fullbrook who made me a prefect. I recall so many names: Ruddick; Sears; Wade; Read; Mandeville; Sheppard; Crossan; Mullins; Francis and Bint - from Braeside. The Bints had the ...see more
I have very happy memories of my grandparents. My grandad had an enormous beard, and grandma always wore a long flowered apron. Grandad used to sit me on the handle of the lock gate while he slowly opened it to let the water level rise or drop so the water level in the lock was the same as the river and then the barge could go on its way. My mother left New Haw to live in Grimsby, ...see more
Some of my best memories of growing up are the camps I attended at the Red Cross camp site over the field (past the farm) and right on the River Wey at New Haw. I actually lived in Brookwood at the time. We did hiking, canoeing and swimming in the river; I spent many happy summers there. The best thing compared to the Scouts & Cubs was that the Red Cross had both girls & boys and my first proper ...see more
My name is Andy Pearce and I was born in New Haw in 1952. I went to Grange School in 1957. Names I remember are Jenkins, Wright, Hatch, Swanton, Gill, Watts. Many more faces than surnames.Was a paperboy at Flanagans on Woodham Road and belonged to the Cubs that met at Grange School and the Scouts that had an old Nissan hut down by the canal, next to the rec. Friends were Richard Jenkins, Olivia Philipson, ...see more
I was adopted in 1970 and was moved from east London to New Haw. I was brought up in Grange Rd, family name Alexander. I never had much of a home life but it didn't matter because the time was spent fishing on the Bourne and Wey, going to the Carlton for sweets and generally roaming the fields of Grange and Manor Farms. We weren't meant to but I was friends with one of the farmer's kids. I ...see more
At nine years old unfortunately I had to leave the area of my birth to which I had so many good memories. My name is Patrick Alexander, born 1947 and first lived as a baby in Kings Rd opposite my grandparents' house which was No 45, their name was Lapwood. My mother Edith Lapwood married Bert Alexander, another resident of Kings Rd. We then moved to 5 Park Close where I enjoyed tremendously my younger days. The ...see more
My memories relate to the 1940s and 50s - my Grandmother [Laura Reeves] and Grandfather [William Reeves] lived at 106 New Haw Road. My gran ran a little shop in the front room and I can still remember the smell of cheese, bacon and tobacco together with sundry sweets she sold from huge jars on the shelves. Two aunts and uncles and their families lived across the road at numbers 125 and 127 ...see more
Our family moved to New Haw when the new council houses were built at Heathervale. We lived at 26 Park Side. Everybody moved in about the same time so during the fifties there was great community spirit in our street. The residents even managed to build their own social club (Park Side Club). My father Basil Ponting was involved with this, but probably only on the drinking side. It's still possible for me to ...see more