Just Memories Of My Childhood
A Memory of Rochester.
My family moved to Rochester during the war ( a naval family). We lived in Union Street until it was demolished for the new police station. We had a small gang, four strong and we roamed far and wide during the long summer holidays...mostly up to mischief! The area was mostly in its war time state, anti tank blocks etc.. had been moved to most road sides or removed. I remember the water tanks and air raid shelters in the vines, the Decontamination centre in Roebuck Road, the anti aircraft guns at Fort Horsted and Borstal Fort and a gun pit hidden in shrubs at Watts almshouse. Also the rifle range in the moat at Maidstone Road, Sunderland aircrafts (flying boats) on the Medway and the bomb sites by Rochester Castle. My favourite place was Blue Boar Warf (the old iron dump), it was piled high with bits of Sunderlands and other unidentifiable war time left overs. Rusty steam engines (mostly rollers and traction) plus a hut full to the roof with gas masks and tin hats marked with letters. Anyone remember the deep trench across Jacksons rec at the top of Star Hill? I was told I was dreaming, it did not exist. Well, I can't think of a lot more to bore you with so I will close. I would love to hear from anyone who lived in the Union Street area about that time.
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