My Days At Salfords School

A Memory of Salfords.

I was at the old Salfords school from 1951 to 1957 just before it moved to the new site in Copsleigh Avenue.
We started in Miss License's class where I remember playing in sand trays and writing on slates. She was a very kind teacher.
The playground was small but we used to play all sorts of games there; conkers, marbles, making house layouts from leaves and racing cars. I remember one very icy day we made a slide from the top of the playgound to the bottom and one lad hit the air raid shelter and had to be taken to hospital.
The teaching was very traditional; learning tables by rote and copying letters, but there was always football on the common to enliven the day.
The big event in the final year was the 11+ exam and the results for the school were quite impressive, I think about 8 of us from a class of 25 gained a place at grammar school.
The worst job in the school must have been the school crossing lady Mrs Snelling, whose job it was to see us across the increasingly busy A23. Imagine trying to do that these days!
The worst place in the school were the outside toilets; freezing in winter and smelly in the summer. The boys used to see how far up the walls they could wee!
It was sad to see the old school demolished but the happy memories are still there.

Added 25 November 2008


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