The Park At Salt Hill

A Memory of Slough.

This view is of Salt Hill Park Pavilion. I remember that there was a tennis club housed there and the tennis courts were in front. In this photo it appears as a horizontal line of shrubs, but the courts were between the shrubs and the building. At around 1966 the pavilion was also used to sell meals, and many a lunch hour I would go there - soup and a main course was 3/6 (great value) Monday to Friday of course. This photo would have been taken from the Bath Road, with the photographer's back to the Town Hall. To the side of the pavilion was a small building with several seats inside(parallel) for sheltering from the rain. My fondest memories of that shelter was of kissing and cuddling with a girl that I used to meet casually at the dance at the Adelphi cinema (which was a short walk away). One night I had the fright of my life when her father came up the path in a picture of hostility, shaking his fist, shouting, and warning me off from his daughter (they lived in Salt Hill Avenue on the other side of the park). Did that deter me after the next dance ? Not on your life - she was too yummy, and well worth the risk! Happy days!

Added 25 June 2014


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